Adc Support Wallpaper
Hace 4 años
RAE: Neurosis. (De neuro- y -sis). 1. f. Med. Enfermedad funcional del sistema nervioso caracterizada principalmente por inestabilidad emocional.
Actually, the point is... Why I have to speak english if american is pretty cool?"Everyone has an history to tell" "Nagalef" "¿Cómo?" "As you know, I like you..." "Ilina?" "You're having a assitant, from China" "No hay una palabra más de España que gilipollas" "Wats wrong wz u?" "Please, peanut butter and jelly" "Esto es una chimba, pero se llama mantequilla de Maní" "Eight chocolate milk" "Knock is the verb" "GROUP 1!!!!!" "Hate NYC subway!" "Welcome to Verizon" "OH WOW!" "You left me..." "Would you mind marry me?" "Really, I always thought every spanish can dance Bachata" "Los peladitos" "I don't want to go with Tanzania, I prefer Ticonderoga" "PH-DR" "Ta" "I like her!" "I'm alcoholic" "PPL? Dont write me on that way!" "I have them!" "He likes you, talks about you all the time in the cabin" "Positive!" "You left me!" "Is just if I don't like the meal" "Where the hell is my fucking flaute?" "We have a deal" "¡Joder!" "You life in another world, not in another country!" "Forget about the kids" "Don't look at me on that way" "The type we can have a lot of fun" "Text in spanish? You crazy!" "Ten people in a double bed?" "I was waiting to hear that" "Now, I'm used to Tanzania" "I miss yogurt" "You don't have to" "Tardé un mes en acostumbrarme al jugo rojo y a la salsita..." "We have different signals" "American shirt + boomboom shorts" "Repeat you last name please... And again, and again..." "I really need chocolate today" "The last who touch his nose..." "Tenemos cervezas arriba" "You first!" "You can't stay here alone!" "He laughs all the time 'cos he really thinks we're in love. Actually he thinks we're getting marry." "I really hate this fucking country" "Unfaithful" "You're freaking good playing Monopoly" "I'm smart" "I know you curse on me!" "He really dont want us together" "La odio te lo juro y no se que haría aquí sin poder hablar español con alguien de fuera de este camp" "You funny" "He has my key today" "Free texting is awesome!!!" "You looked like u were mad, are u ok?" "I just guess..." "It should be like this always" "Hay una gran diferencia entre Fuck me y Fuck with me..." "I'm scared!!" "You hurt me!!!" "We should play spoons... Spoons!" "We should sneak out tonight" "For you? Sure!" "Did you hear when he said to me he didn't want me to paint him? HELLO?" "No more peanut butter and jelly" "I should tell you something..." "I prefer ABC girls" "The movies is free, believe me" "Aww, this camp does suck man" "Vas a hacerme mucha falta" "Take the path" "You must not wear that shirt, wear a black one" "Are you still up?" "Boom chick a boom!!" "You have wifi in the nature center in HV" "Watch!" "Do NOT eat the Herseys" "Boobiecakes" "Really tastes like chicken" "Quedate el break" "I'm bi" "Damn! Hope you OK" "Softball field" "Hun" "Free drink in McDonalds?" "Sitting together" "We're alone now" "Te lo juro, que lios de camp" "Touch this, is a crazy heart!" "Charming lady" "Fuck him!" "Mamasota?" "Is not funny" "I've to go to the nurse" "You can't speak good english!" "Can I know why you dont answer my call?" "Don't make me think!" "Jari Jaaa?" "Can I get one?" "Do you guys know what means lmao?" "Nasty american popcorn" "Should I bring it?" "Just remember spanish names" "Photo girl" "Fucking sand" "You can ride..." "Cant wait for da hug" "Want you tonite in BBQ, dont let me be the only girl, plz" "You can't stay here alone!" "La pobre me odia porque todos piensan que nos gustamos" "If you're alone I'll finish in 30mints" "The problem is over there i think everything is bullshit, but now... i miss it!" "The problem is because is you and me" "Look her smile!" "Your eyes, beautiful!" "Where were you?" "Is just like a heart atack, I was afraid" "Have you ever kissed in the cheek more than 1,000 people? Because is dissgusting!" "If you dont want to see me in the city ill be mad with you" "You coming back?" "Really hope to see you next year" "I'm already missing you sweetie!"
"Si no entiendes mis silencios, nunca has entendido mis palabras"
Querida Karen: Si estas leyendo esto significa que he encontrado el valor para mandártelo… Bravo por mí. No me conoces muy bien, pero si me lo permites, tengo tendencia a repetir una y otra vez lo duro que me resulta escribir. Pero esto es lo mas difícil que he tenido que escribir nunca…. No existe una manera fácil de decirlo, así que simplemente lo diré: He conocido a alguien. Fue una casualidad, yo no lo estaba buscando, no lo planee, fué la tormenta perfecta. Ella dijo una cosa, yo otra y cuando me di cuenta quería pasar el resto de mi vida en mitad de esa conversación. Ahora tengo la sensación en mis entrañas de que puede ser ella. Esta completamente chiflada, de una forma que me hace sonreír, EXTREMADAMENTE NEURÓTICA. Y exige un mantenimiento exhaustivo. Ella eres tú, Karen. Esa es la buena noticia. La mala es que no se como estar contigo ahora. Me acojona. Por que si no estoy contigo inmediatamente, tengo la sensación de que nos perderemos ahí fuera. Este es un mundo y malo, lleno de vueltas y recovecos, y basta con parpadear para que se pierda el momento. El momento que pudo cambiarlo todo. No se lo que hay entre nosotros, y no puedo decirte porque habrías de saltar al vacío por alguien como yo. Pero hueles tan bien. Como el hogar, y haces un café excelente, eso también es importante ¿verdad? Llámame. Infielmente tuyo. Hank Moody
"Si no estas dispuesto a quedar como un estúpido nunca te pasarán cosas maravillosas"